Bullying is a learned behaviour. It is when a person or group tries to hurt or control another person in a harmful way. There are three aspects of this hurtful behaviour that almost all experts agree on; in bullying there is a difference in power between those being hurt and those doing the hurting, bullying involves hurtful behaviours that are repeated and intentional. Bullying is not about a conflict that needs resolving. In bullying, the power is all in one person or a group's control. People who bully others show loathing and contempt for those they are trying to hurt.
There are lots of different kinds of bullying, and they all hurt. Sometimes bullying means hitting, kicking, pushing, shoving, or making someone do something they don’t want to do. Sometimes bullying is using mean words or threats, calling someone names, or saying bad things behind their back. Bullying can even mean making someone feel unsafe or scared, leaving them out of games, or making them feel that they’re not important. Bullying can be verbal, physical, social (shunning, ignoring or leaving someone out on purpose), and also involve cyberbullying (being bullied through the information and communication technologies. See www.cyberbullying.org for more information about this).
People who bully think that it makes them important, but it really just makes them mean.
Bullying should NOT be considered a "Normal part of life".
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